January 23, 2023
January 23, 2023 Ria


Queensland Itch is a skin condition which forms as a reaction to insect bites from midgies or Culicoides. The reaction is an allergy to the saliva in these insects, which creates skin hypersensitivity making the horse very itchy. They can often spend hours biting themselves or rubbing against fences and trees to get relief.

The excessive rubbing can lead to hair loss and raw patches of skin. This can get horses into a cycle of itching, and lead to further irritation from infection, bacteria or yeast that gets into the raw areas.

Itch is not contagious, although it does tend to reoccur annually in susceptible individuals.


Sweet Itch occurs all over the world! Because sweet itch or Queensland itch is a result of insect bites, it tends to reoccur annually during the warm, humid months when the insects are most prevalent. Midges or Culicoides love wet, humid environments, so coastal areas are often hard hit.

They’re not limited to these areas though, as they can swarm anywhere there is a bit of shade and free standing water, like in long grass, under shady trees and around troughs or wet patches in paddocks.

Midges hate hot, dry and windy conditions!


To manage Sweet Itch there are two main steps to focus on – get rid of the cause and decrease the reaction and symptoms!

Getting rid of the cause can be tricky, because it’s pretty hard to get rid of midges totally. But what you can try to do is remove the areas that they like to be, and protect your horse. Try not to let your troughs leak, and slash or mow areas with thick, wet undergrowth. Remember, they don’t like hot, dry windy conditions! So if you have a horse that is susceptible, move them to a paddock that gets more wind, or doesn’t have thick grass or shady areas.

Midges are most active and tend to swarm at dawn and dusk, so keeping your horse away from any risky areas at these times, or in a stable can help you to avoid them a bit.

Rugging can also help to keep the insects away, but if your horse is already itchy, and continues to get bitten, they can end up rubbing your rugs to pieces.


Your horse’s skin is an organ, and a plays a big role in your horse’s immune system and internal function. This means that you can help to address itch from the inside out. These fixes are much more long term, and can help you to prevent, as well as treat the issue.

Because the bites cause an allergic reaction, there is an inflammatory response which causes histamine to be released.  Histamine helps to fight the cause of the allergy, but is also a cause of the itchiness.

All horses, and especially allergy-prone horses need to have a diet that encourages a healthy immune system. For itchy horses, there are also foods that can are anti-inflammatories and anti-histamines.

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid (EFA), which means it can’t be produced by the horse, and the nutritional requirements are completely dependent on dietary intake.

Omega 3 EFAs are anti-inflammatory, in comparison to Omega 6.

When using a supplement to assist with Itch in horses, it’s important to note that the time they take to work can vary depending on the horse. Because Itch is seasonal, you should start using the supplement before the weather changes, and midges start to appear. This can also help to protect your horse and help to prevent Itch, rather than to waiting until symptoms appear.

  1. HORSE Hemp Oil Support & our HEMP PELLETS Supplement to boost the immune system which generates overall health & wellbeing. This becomes evident in the horse’s coat.
  2. Externally via  HORSE Hemp Support Spray & Nick Off All Natural Fly & Insect Spray. These THREE products support & enhance the internal changes when applied topically.

The two work hand in hand which is why when followed correctly they have the potential to be successful. The results of which we are seeing on a continual basis.

HORSE HEMP  20ml Syringed over tongue daily.

HORSE HEMP Apply topically to affected areas late afternoon/early evening EXTERNALLY


Small/Medium Horse – 1/23 cup per day.

Large Horse – 3/4 cup per day.

NICK OFF When required use during daylight hours to affected areas.


Skin hypersensitivity and “itch” symptoms are often exacerbated by dietary imbalances which directly reduce a horse’s immune response. For example, a deficiency of copper and zinc in the diet, or inadequate essential fatty acid supplementation, or Mycotoxicosis caused by the presence of Mycotoxins in forage sources. These can all play a huge part in how well or how bad a horse responds to inflammatory triggers whether that be heat, humidity, insects, parasites, or toxins. Topical treatments can and do offer relief, however they aren’t necessarily targeting the cause and more so the symptoms.
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