A Personal Journey

April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023 Ria

A Personal Journey

Sharing a bit of me CBD and Medicinal Mushrooms

There comes a time in our life , however old we are that we realise just how bad we have treated our bodies .

We turn the corner at “that age” and think to ourselves just how much we are changing . How many more moans and groans we seem to have as we stand up or sit down …..

I used to love sitting on the floor cross legged.

My god when  I try that now … it takes just a few extra more minutes to get down along with the ahhhs and arrgs ….

Then trying to cross the legs … Yeh right … This is a “tik tok” video ready to happen …

Then we have to stand back up again . I hear you all going .. OH YEH thats me …

Well if you have ever watched a dog move around to get comfy before laying down on their bed .

Thats me getting down and up . Its not pretty and I have to say pretty bloody comical …

Over the years I have been hard on my body and myself generally . Mentally and physically we DO NOT do the right thing for ourselves

Throwing tents around [ approx 250 in a couple days] Poles lots of them hammering pegs in think it was around 25 pegs per tent that included the awning …Then carpets and beds ….  Then pack up again .. I was so fit at the time but geez it certainly catches up .

An ex dancer , a mum and everything else in between. As Mums we just continue doing what needs to be done . As blokes well the male ego kicks in a lot and you guys push yourselves to the limits as well .

My body decided to start yelling at me .

After my knee accident which really did change my life . Made me have to change everything I did but then I started to feel more pain…

So thats when I discovered CBD and along the way learning more and more about natural products and what they have done for thousands of years and what many are now coming back to .

We as humans grow up learning what is good and bad for us , when it comes to becoming adults we need to really start retraining our brains ..

Just because what we have been taught all our lives does  not necessarily mean that its correct . We realise these are our parents thoughts and opinions , not ours . So we need as individuals look and learn ourselves .

I personally have been re thinking my thoughts now for around 10yrs { yep it took a long time } Mind you I always ate well, and kind of looked after myself but now I combine amazing natural plant based medicines into my life and I feel fantastic . Pain free, I sleep well I have energy and wake up every day and can jump out of bed with a good mind frame and a positive attitude towards life .

Even my skin feels soft .. No it has not helped the old aging process of things dropping south but hey I can live with that . { Some days not }

Natural therapies have been around for 1000s of years .


It is impossible to provide a specific outline of when humans first discovered the cannabis plant. In general, the span of recorded history is approximately 5,000 years. As such, we are relying on archaeological discoveries and carbon dating. In 1997, a hemp rope from almost 29,000 years ago was discovered in the Czech Republic.

Recent research by the University of Lausanne in Switzerland suggests that cannabis was domesticated in northwest China approximately 12,000 years ago. The researchers gained this information after analyzing the genomes of 110 plants worldwide. Yet, the study also found that farmers didn’t begin breeding distinct strains for drug or fiber production until 4,000 years ago.

There are claims that a Chinese Emperor called Sheng Nung used cannabis as a medicine in 2737 BC. The problem is that there’s no evidence he ever existed! Therefore, the first confirmed legitimate mention of cannabis as medicine occurred in the Ebers Papyrus in Egypt in approximately 1,500 BC.

A Chinese medical collection from 1 AD mentions cannabis as a cure for over 100 medical issues. Dozens of countries used marijuana during the Dark Ages and Middle Ages.

Cannabis Use Spreads with a Handful of Restrictions

It wasn’t until the 14th century, thousands of years after its discovery, that cannabis became illegal anywhere. At this time, the Emir of the Joneima in Arabia outlawed it. There were no further noteworthy restrictions until 1787, when the newly crowned king of Madagascar, Andrianampoinimerina, banned it. Anyone who used marijuana in the country faced the death penalty.

There were cannabis bans in several locations during the 19th century. Mauritius, a British Colony, banned it in 1840. The Sri Lankan Opium and Bhang Ordinance of 1867 ensured that only licensed dealers could sell the substance.

Natal Colony and Singapore banned marijuana in 1870. In 1890, Greece banned the use, importation, and cultivation of the plant. Yet, a growing number of people consumed cannabis for medical reasons, as well as enjoying its intoxicating properties.

There is a suggestion that cannabis received the royal seal of approval in the United Kingdom. Rumor has it that Queen Victoria used it to ease her menstrual cramps, and the royal physician prescribed it!

Despite some prohibition, most countries accepted the use of cannabis until the beginning of the 20th century. This included the United States.

2013 | The story of Charlotte Figi surfaces

Charlotte Figi was born with an extremely severe and rare form of chronic epilepsy called myoclonic epilepsy of infancy, or Dravet’s Syndrome. The disorder is unique among child epileptic conditions in that it is intractable – meaning it doesn’t respond to medication.

From 3 months until she was five years old, young Charlotte would routinely suffer from over 300 grand mal seizures a week. No medication could prevent the episodes or reduce their intensity.

However, a national news story on CNN surfaced in 2013. It revealed that Charlotte’s seizures were all but eliminated when she started using a high-CBD strain of medical cannabis as a last resort. The story gained widespread national attention and almost certainly galvanized legislation supporting CBD as a recognized medical therapy.

Isnt it amazing how something so old is now back on the scene yet it still has the TABOO around it even though its history shows just how many benefits it has ….

Same as Medicinal Mushroom 

Medicinal mushrooms are mushrooms that are used as medicine. They have been used to treat infection for hundreds of years, mostly in Asia. Today, medicinal mushrooms are also used to treat lung diseases and cancer. For more than 30 years, medicinal mushrooms have been approved as an addition to standard cancer treatments in Japan and China.


Ancient History

Medicinal mushrooms have been used in traditional and folk medicines since before recorded history.

A man frozen in ice around 3300 BCE (nicknamed Ötzi) was discovered in an alpine glacier in 1991. He was carrying two different species of mushroom on him at the time.

One was a tinder fungus capable of holding a warm coal to re-start a fire at a new location many hours later. The other was a medicinal birch polypore used to fight parasites and other infections.

You can see from Egyptian hieroglyphics that their society saw mushrooms as a plant of immortality.

Mushrooms were typically only eaten by pharoahs and other nobles, and were given the name “sons of the gods” and depicted in artwork as being sent to earth on Lightning bolts.

Famous Greek and Roman authors such as Seneca, Pliny, and Dioscorides all wrote about mushrooms, arguing both for and against their medicinal benefits.

Texts about Chinese medicine dating back to 100 BCE discuss various mushrooms and fungi that were used to treat cancer, respiratory ailments, and many other conditions.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) has perhaps the longest written record of medicinal use, and scientists are now beginning to identify anti-tumor and other medicinal properties of the mushroom.

In ancient Japan, maitake (Grifola frondosa) mushrooms were worth their weight in silver.

Mushrooms were an integral part of Mesoamerican cultures such as the Maya, Inca, Aztecs and Olmecs. Both for their medicinal properties, and also for use by shamans for spiritual purposes.

Chaga and other forms of fungus have been used across North America and Siberia since at least the 16th Century.

Which Mushrooms To Use For Different Illnesses:

Best Medicinal Mushrooms For Cancer

The following medicinal mushrooms are all great for their anti-cancer properties:

  • Shiitake
  • Reishi
  • Maiitake
  • Turkey tail

If you want to fight tumour growth, you may want to consider taking capsules that contain multiple different medicinal mushrooms with anti-cancer properties so that you’re getting the best of everything that nature has to offer.

Best Medicinal Mushrooms For Boosting The Immune System

Almost all medicinal mushroom varieties have compounds that boost the immune system, including antioxidants.

Mushrooms that are particularly good for the immune system are:

  • Maitake
  • Cordyceps
  • Shiitake
  • Reishi
  • Turkey Tail

Best Medicinal Mushrooms For Depression

Although currently illegal in the US, Canada, UK, and most developed countries, there is strong evidence that so-called “magic mushrooms” can greatly help with depression.

Although it’s not currently an available option, I suspect we will start to see these mushrooms (or the compounds they contain) to be used in psychiatric medicine within the next decade or two for the treatment of severe depression.

There is also good evidence to suggest that even in doses too small to create psychoactive effects, these mushrooms can help to cure cluster headaches.

Cluster headaches are sometimes referred to as “suicide headaches” because they are one of the most painful conditions a person can experience and often drive those experiencing them to thoughts of suicide.

Best Medicinal Mushrooms For Anxiety

No mushrooms appear to have undergone scientific studies for anxiety, although there is good anecdotal research to suggest that Reishi may have anti-anxiety effects.

Best Medicinal Mushrooms For Boosting Energy

The following mushrooms are both great for increasing energy:

  • Cordyceps
  • Reishi

They can help with chronic fatigue syndrome, and also help athletes to develop stronger and more responsive muscles.

As well as eliminating some of the negative side-effects of intense workouts such as cramps and nausea.

Best Medicinal Mushrooms For Thyroid

All mushrooms are immune regulators to some extent, which can help with thyroid function. But Shiitake and Cordyceps are particularly good for thyroid health.

Candida Infection

Candida is a fungal infection caused by a type of yeast. Many mushrooms contain antifungal compounds that they use to fight off other fungi which compete with them in nature.

But Reishi seems to be the best medicinal mushroom when it comes to fighting off Candida specifically.


So when it comes to looking at something other than PHARMACUETCALS check out just how long these NATURAL PLANT BASED PRODUCTS have been around for and what our ancestors used to help treat illnesses, aches and pains and all in between .

Natural products that have no A4 paperwork to read to tell you all the side effects you could possibly end up with which means MORE poison in our bodies …

Not for me. I will stick with something that has been around for thousands of years , has been tried and tested throughout history and is still used today with great results ‘

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