April 15, 2024
April 15, 2024 Ria


Stay tuned for news to come through soon


  1. Down to Earth News:
  2. Special Discounts for Aged Pensioners:
    • If you’re an Aged Pensioner purchasing CBD products, please reach out to me. I can help you get a higher discount.
  3. Custom Mixes for Intense Health Issues:
    • Anyone needing custom mixes (for more intense health issues like cancer) can chat with me privately. Let’s get these organized!


  1. HEMPSHACK News – PainFX:
    • PainFX is coming soon! These TGA-approved Terpene Pain Relief Capsules have undergone rigorous testing.
    • TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) approval ensures their efficacy and safety for consumers.
    • With a unique blend of natural ingredients, advanced magnesium glycinate, and terpene formulation, PainFX offers a promising alternative for managing various types of pain.
    • Stay tuned for the official launch

Remember, staying informed about health and wellness is essential.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask! 😊

There will be AnxietyFX next then a couple more to follow . If you haven’t already let me know your interest and I can pop your name down with many others.

Our SlimFX is selling off the shelf , many are getting great results with this fat burning Product .

Have a great month.

Ria Boustead

Rias Hippy Health


PS The Muffin recipe is the best, so moist. And you can freeze and bring out when you have visitors. Grab your Australian Hempseeds from my Hempshack link .



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We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.

Getting connected

Getting connected

We help to connect you with the experts in alternative health care.

Highest quality CBD products

Highest quality CBD products

Natural, plant alternatives, for a better, healthier you. You deserve the best.

Networking for health

Networking for health

Happy people are our kind of people, we connect likeminded, health-centric people.

CALL ME: 0407 657 228
