April 26, 2024
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Sharing some great information about Terpenes. What do you know about Terpenes?

TERPENES are naturally occurring compounds found in plants, especially abundant in certain herbs, fruits, and flowers. They are responsible for giving plants their distinctive aromas and flavours.
Beyond their sensory attributes, terpenes have been recognised for their potential health benefits. Scientific research suggests that terpenes may offer a variety of health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and analgesic (pain-relieving) effects.
For instance, linalool, a terpene found in lavender, is known for its calming and relaxing effects, which may help alleviate stress and improve sleep quality. Similarly, limonene, found in citrus fruits, has shown potential in elevating mood and possessing anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Linalool, for example, is believed to be relaxing whereas limonene elevates mood.
  • Beta-caryophyllene, is found in many strains of Cannabis, as well as in oregano and black pepper, among other herbs. It is notable as a protector of the stomach lining and also as an anti-inflammatory agent.
From reducing inflammation to providing sedation, different terpenes have different benefits:
  • Anti-cancer potential: Research into the anti-cancer properties of terpenes is ongoing, and some studies suggest that certain terpenes may have tumor-inhibiting properties. However, this research is still in its early stages, and more rigorous clinical trials are needed.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Terpenes, like beta-caryophyllene, have shown anti-inflammatory effects, which could be beneficial in treating conditions characterized by inflammation. Caryophyllene also acts like a cannabinoid as it binds to the type 2 cannabinoid receptor, resulting in a reduction in inflammation.
  • Antimicrobial and/or antifungal: Some terpenes, such as pinene and limonene, possess antimicrobial and antifungal properties, suggesting potential therapeutic uses in combating infections.
  • Boost therapeutic effects: Terpenes may enhance or modify the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids. For example, some might amplify the pain-relieving properties of THC or the anti-anxiety effects of CBD. Others might also help mitigate the adverse effects of THC, such as anxiety or short-term memory impairment.
  • Sleep and stress relief: Myrcene and linalool are among terpenes that are thought to have sedating properties, potentially aiding in improving sleep quality. Linalool, also found in lavender, is reputed for its calming and relaxing effects.

    While there are many terpenes in the natural world, scientists have only studied a handful.

    Examples of better-known terpenes include:


    Limonene is a common terpene that most people can recognize by its scent. As the name suggests, limonene gives the rinds of fruits such as lemons and oranges their citrusy smell.

    A study in Chemico-Biological Interactions notes that limonene contains the following therapeutic properties:

    • anti-inflammatory
    • antioxidant
    • antiviral
    • antidiabetic
    • anticancer

    Limonene appears to modulate the way certain immune cells behave, which may protect the body from a range of disorders. Limonene is also safe for people to take as a supplement.


    Pinene is another naturally abundant terpene. There are two forms of pinene: a-pinene and b-pinene. Pinene provides the fresh, bright scent of many plants, including pine needles, rosemary, and basil. Pinene may also have some therapeutic benefits.

    Shirin-yoku, which means “forest bathing,” is a Japanese therapy that involves taking leisurely walks in the forest, soaking up the atmosphere, and enjoying the scent. Shirin-yoku may have preventive and restorative effectsTrusted Source on a person’s psyche and physiology.

    A study in Acta Salus Vitae notes that the amount of pinene in the air of a healthy forest is enough to be therapeutic. Pinene acts as a bronchodilator, allowing more air into the lungs. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and may fight against some infectious germs when inhaled.


    Linalool is most abundant in the lavender plant and gives the flower its rich scent. Linalool is one of the more important compounds in aromatherapy and is responsible for the calming effect many people get when smelling lavender or its essential oil.

    A study in Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces notes that linalool may affect the body in a variety of ways due to a range of properties, including:

    • anti-inflammatory
    • antimicrobial
    • neuroprotective
    • antidepressant
    • anticancer
    • anti-anxiety

    Linalool does appear to act on the body, but researchers must study its effects further to understand how people can use it to benefit their health.


    Myrcene is a terpene commonly found in plants such as hops, lemongrass, and thyme. The flowers of the cannabis plant also contain myrcene.

    Myrcene is a powerful antioxidant. One study Trusted Source in mice concludes that myrcene could help protect the brain from oxidative damage following a stroke.

    Another study in mice found that myrcene had a similar protective effect in heart tissue. The researchers note that myrcene may be a useful alternative treatment after ischemic stroke.


    Another studyTrusted Source in a cell model of osteoarthritis noted that myrcene appears to have an anti-inflammatory effect and may prevent the breakdown of some cartilage cells. This could make it useful against osteoarthritis.


    Beta-caryophyllene exists in many herbs and vegetables, such as cloves and black pepper.

    Similarly to other terpenes, beta-caryophyllene may have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body that could reduce pain levels in some people.

    In one animal studyTrusted Source, beta-caryophyllene reduced pain from inflammation and nerve pain. The researches noted that this anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect might be useful for treating long-term chronic pain because the body showed no sign of developing a tolerance to these effects.


    Humulene is a key component of the hop plant. Other plants, such as clove and ginger, also contain it.

    One study in Frontiers in Pharmacology Trusted Sourcenotes that terpenes, including humulene, may have potential in preventing allergic reactions and asthma. In animal models, humulene reduced allergic inflammation in the airways. This could make it a helpful compound for natural asthma treatments in the future.

    Another study in Food and Chemical Toxicology found that humulene may also have a protective effect in some cells. This protective effect could guard against cancer. However, this is just preliminary evidence, and researchers must continue to study the effects of humulene to back up these claims.

How are they different from cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are chemical compounds in cannabis.

Cannabinoids, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), activate receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system. This is what creates the “high” that people experience when they use cannabis.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is another cannabinoid that is becoming more and more popular for its medicinal properties. Although CBD acts on some of the same receptors as THC, it influences them differently and does not create any euphoria.

THC and CBD may be the most well-known cannabinoids, but they are just two of over 100 cannabinoidsTrusted Source that the cannabis plant contains.

The cannabis plant also contains terpenes, which are among the most abundant compounds in the natural world.

Terpenes are primarily responsible for the smell of most plants and some animal compounds. However, some may also act on the endocannabinoid system in the body in a similar way to cannabinoids. The key difference is that the body absorbs and uses these compounds in different ways.


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